TheEducator'sVoice Spring 2013 - page 5

P A G E 5
V O L U M E 1 , N U M B E R 2
President’s Award for Commitment to Excellence 2012 Nominee:
Wendy Storms
President’s Award for Excellence in Customer Service 2012 Nominees:
Meagan Word
Christine Pruitt
Lesley Casarez
Chancellor’s Colonel Rowen Award 2012 Nominee:
Wendy Storms
The National Academic Advising Association’s (NACADA) Region 7 Conference
Texas Association of Teacher Educators (TxATE)/Texas Coordinators for Teacher Certification Testing (TCTCT)
Texas Association of Certification Officer (TACO) Conference
Texas Directors of Field Experience (TDFE) Brownbag Conference
Candidates that attended Group Advising Sessions: 123
Candidates one-on-one advising: 97
Spring Field Placements:
Field Experience Candidates: 233
Fall Student Teachers: 106
Some Tidbits of Information:
Starting Fall 2013 secondary certifications that were 8-12 will now become 7-12.
Starting 2014 it will be required that the candidates taking the EC-6 Generalist TExES exam must pass all three
domains of the revised test. The domains are: 1) ELAR, 2) Mathematics, and 3) Social Studies, Science,
Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education.
Starting 2014 it will be required that the candidates taking the 4-8 Generalist TExES exam will have to pass all
four domains of the test. The domains are: 1) ELAR, 2) Mathematics, 3) Social Studies, and 4) Science.
EPI Center in the news
Student Organization News
Kappa Delta Pi
KDP initiated 25 new members into the hon-
or society this spring. This spring they also
held their first online initiation ceremony for
those students who are at
a distance from ASU and
cannot attend the face to
face ceremony. Fifteen
additional members were
initiated online in May.
The first KDP Alumni
Award was given to Mrs. Lori Barton, Principal at Ft. Concho Elementary School, SAISD for her
dedication to education and support of up and coming teachers.
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